Integrated Rating
This section includes:
- Career Pathways
- Job Description
- Salary Range
- Entry Requirement
Career Pathways
To become a qualified Integrated Rating (IR) you must complete a course at one of the approved Registered Training Organizations (RTOs). The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) approves the course that you can undertake in order to become an Integrated Rating. The course is comprised of two components: a college component and a sea service component. The college component of the course involves approximately 14 weeks ashore undertaking classroom training, and the sea service component of the course involves 36 weeks at sea undertaking "on the job" training.
**Please note that changes to Marine Orders may affect this timeline, to ensure that you have the most up to date information, you should refer to Marine Order 70 and Marine Order 73 which can be found on the AMSA website at
Job Description
Integrated Ratings are responsible for assisting with berthing and unberthing, securing cargo, assisting with maintenance and repairof the ship, assisting with watchkeeping, cleaning the ship of rust, steering the ship under supervision and splicing ropes and wires.
As with any career at sea, being an IR will involve being away from home for several weeks at a time, carrying out shift work in all weather, performing duties which include working in noisy, dusty, dirty and confined spaces, and also may involve working safely with hazardous materials.
As with any career at sea, being an IR will involve being away from home for several weeks at a time, carrying out shift work in all weather, performing duties which include working in noisy, dusty, dirty and confined spaces, and also may involve working safely with hazardous materials.
Salary Range
- Starting Salary: $xx,xxx - $ xxx,xxx (note this will vary)
- Leave Arrangements: xx weeks
** Wages tend to be higher in the offshore industry.
Entry Requirement
Minimum entry requirements are set by the Registered Training Organizations (RTOs) according to their own minimum standards and in consultation with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA). Generally there is a minimum requirement of Yr.10 and minimum age of 16 to gain admission into the course at one of the RTOs, however to obtain the AMSA certificate of proficiency, individuals must have completed the course at one of the RTOs (including the minimum 36 weeks sea time) and be at least 18 years of age. Individuals are also required to pass AMSA medical examinations before being able to serve on board a vessel. The medical requirements can be found in Marine Order 9.
For more information on the training course, visit: