Membership applications are considered from companies that have a registered business in Hong Kong connected with shipping.
Types of Membership
Both categories of membership attend all Association functions and receive all Association notices and material except for those in which it is judged the Associate members may not be interested, although they are welcome to have them upon request. Associate members are not entitled to vote on resolutions at general meetings - for example, on the election of the Chairman they are invited to express their opinions but not to vote. Membership Requirement
Membership Subscription for all members are to be paid either annually in April, or monthly by a bank's 'Standing Instruction' (S.I.). Resign & Refund Pro-rata refund or pre-paid annual payment can be arranged should a member resign during the year (such refund will be based on Article 11 - Resignation Requirement - of the Memorandum and Articles of Association). Contact The Hong Kong Shipowners Association Address 12th Floor, Queen's Centre, 58 Queen's Road East, Wachai, Hong Kong Telephone (852) 2520-0206 Facsimile (852) 2529-8246 E-mail [email protected] Website Secretariat
Membership Application Form